Thursday, March 8, 2012

Website Recommendation of the Day: SMS TOOLS

Mr. Murphy and I did our first Roundtable presentation today and it was very successful. Believe it or not, none of our viewers were from the USA, instead they were from Canada, Nigeria and the Arab Emirates. They somehow found us in the program and were kind enough to join us as we discussed the mission of the school, how we believe students want to learn based on our collection of data from their responses to surveys. I hope one day all of our teachers will present their own ideas and grow, Grow, GROW! During the presentation I realized how fortunate we really are as teachers with what we have as teaching resources at our school. I hope also that these resources are used to their fullest in order for each student to get what they need from education, remain engaged and learn, as well so WE grow and become better teachers.

Here you will find links to the SMS programs we highlighted and our presentation (thanks Ms. Parker for finding a lot of these sites for us to explore!). (AACE SMS Presentation)

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