There are a few things to keep in mind after today. Be sure to document all the lessons you learned today so you will not forget them over the summer. That was part of the point in having a Flip camera. The other part was for you to begin documenting as much of your class as possible so that you may extend your differentiated classroom. These videos can be used as part of your scavenger hunts, as we discussed, as well may be added to your blogs tutorials and lesson archive. When a student forgets a concept or you just want to refer to it later you will always have it to pull. Not to mention students will have access to them from their homes.
With this in mind I encourage all to share their videos on their blogs so we may learn more from them. Also, I encourage those of you who did not watch Mr. Falcon's tutorial videos to do so. He has valuable information for the beginner cameraman. His lessons will make your videos more professional, more enjoyable and can be applied immediately.
Remember that if students learn in an outdoor environment through tactile measures the information they have learned is more likely to become imprinted into their brain. Then during lessons they will have greater recall when you mention aspects of both the concept and the lesson. Videos, pictures, audio, any other technology you can add to these experiences is only a plus and will enhance your lesson's impact! The more that students "Pull" information from apps and their surrounding environment, the more impacting it is. The more you "Push" the information through lectures in the classroom, the less impacting your lessons will be.
I encourage you to build, build, build over the summer! The most frustrating thing for faculty around you, the students and the administration is when in-services take place and no one takes those jewels of information and explores them fully. You will only know if something works and is valuable to your classroom through practice. You have all summer to practice and build. I plead with you, do not come back in August without buckets full of ideas and games, lessons, activities already built to be used in your 2012-2013 lessons! Your knowledge and creativity is too great not to share; don't sit on your hands.
Another frustrating aspect and I encourage you to fight this in tomorrow's in-service is when teachers are not open and are not willing to try. When other's share their ideas you will only get out of their lessons what you put into them. Remember and reflect on the discouragement you feel when students are not open to your lessons and take away nothing leaving your classroom.
Continue to learn! Continue to share! You will find the information for events for tomorrow on Mr. Arias' blog if you have not checked it already:
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